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Frequently Asked Questions

About your upcoming session 

What does an Equine Ostopath do?


Excellent Question! 



• As a reminder, Equine Osteopathy is a holistic, integrative discipline that works successfully with both veterinary medicine and acupuncture due to the fact that they all look at the body as a whole rather than solely focusing on its spinal or muscular or fluidal contributions.


• Equine Osteopaths use the nervous system connections between spinal segments, viscera, and the craniosacral system to create links between potential immobilities and/or inturrupted flow in the body which may be causing discomfort to the horse.


• Opening up these blocked channels and immobilities allows the body to reestablish its natural governing system of homeostasis. 



In the words of our osteopathic founder, A.T. Still, our job is to, "Find it. Fix it. Leave it alone. Nature will do the rest"


Interested in more information on osteopathy? Click here to check out our blog series called "Introduction to Ostoepathy". 

How can I prepare my horse and myself for the session?

We recommed the following:

For Horses:

Horse should be brushed and free of any dried or wet mud, or ice clumps on body or legs.

Horse can be fed or offered a snack beforehand if the session is around feeding time so "hanger" does not become a distraction.

Horses will need to be able to pick up all 4 feet safely in order to complete all motion tests and therapeutic maneuvers. 

• Always alert the therapist ahead of time if animal is pregnant, running a fever, or positively tested for any reportable diseases as these factors will either alter the therapy techniques performed or require that the session be postponed until the animal is cleared to be non-contagious.

• Horses may be ridden before their appointment, but must have at least one day off to be hand walked and rest after the session. If extra down time would be beneficial, therapist will discuss at the end of the session.
Image by Chris Bair
This was the last shot of the day on my

For Humans:


Handler should dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable shoes (hand warmers in winter is always a good choice).


Each session usually takes 1.5 hours, but in cases of severe arthritis, extremely nervous horses, or post trauma cases, sessions can take 2 hours. Handlers should note this time requirement and be flexible.


 Feel free to bring snacks, beverages, and/or have an alternate handler to trade off with if multiple horses are scheduled. We want everyone to enjoy the session!

Bringing a notebook is optional as all sessions come with a complementary take-home suggestion sheet. 


Last but not least, bring your curiosity and questions! These sessions are packed with useful information and tips on how to maintain your horse between sessions.  

How should I prepare the workspace before my session?


Thanks for asking! 



• The workspace should be sheltered from the elements and free from other loose animals and/or animals who are contained within close enough proximity to disturb the subject horse.


• Workspace must be large enough to safely work around the animal - at least a 10x12  box stall or an aisle way at least 6.5 feet wide and 10 feet long.


• Footing in workspace must be clean and free of tripping hazards, excess mud, standing water, ice, etc.


• Lighting must be at least adequate enough to read a piece of paper successfully without straining. 


• All subject animals must wear a leather, nylon, or rope halter and be held or cross tied during the entire session except during techniques where the therapist will have control of the animal's head position.

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Payment & Rescheduling
(The nitty gritty) 


• We ask for a 24 hour advance notice for any cancellations so we may update our therapist's travel routes accordingly.

• Accepted payments include cash, check, Zelle, and Venmo.


• Sessions can be paid either at time of booking or at the appointment.

• If a session is terminated due to animal behavior/safety issues, client may reschedule only if a vet can be present for any necessary sedation during the next session, or if the client is willing to have vet-approved sedation on-hand. (Therapist will never administer sedation. All necessary sedation will be administered by the owner or a vet.) 

• If the therapist is unable to finish the session due to safety issues but has been working on the animal for over 30 minutes, the full session fee will be due.


• In the event of a client no-show or last-minute cancellation, a $30 rescheduling fee will result. Three instances of no-shows or last-minute cancellations will necessitate full, nonrefundable payments in advance for all future services.


 Failed payments will prevent any rescheduling until balance is paid. Client will then pay in full for all future sessions before bookings are confirmed. 

Education. Safety. Integrity.

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Syracuse, NY

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